Rectorado de la Universidad
This is the final and in fairness, least impressive of the four buildings lining the
Obradoiro plaza. It is the smallest in overall size and is also the lowest, simplest and least appealing in design.
Right, a picture taken from the high level gallery of Santiago cathedral's right wing.
The Rectorado de la Universidad was one of Santiago de Compostela's university college buildings (the college of San Jeronimo) and although built mainly in the seventeenth century has an arched entrance, parts of which date from almost two hundred years earlier.
Below, a view looking across the front of the "Rectorado de la Universidad" building's Obradioro facade with the cathedral's gallery in view in the background.

The building is pretty much square in plan and has an open courtyard around which the rest of the structure was constructed. All but the Obradoiro facing facade are plain and lacking in any real detail, although it does have a red tiled roof for some measure of color.
Another, and perhaps somewhat more grand, University building lies just a few hundred metres
away from the "Rectorado" building and sits close to the city's old market building. This structure (photo to the right) is much larger in scale and in my opinion far more interesting to look at.