Towns in Pontevedra province, Galicia
This page will become a portal to some further towns and sight seeing attractions in the province of Pontevedra (excluding Pontevedra city itself). For now however, it has some brief snippets of information on a couple of the area's other urbanisations.
Pontevedra's largest city, and also the largest city in Galicia as a whole, is Vigo and you can find out more about Vigo by clicking the Vigo button in the left menu column. This Vigo section will soon be expanded to a multi page guide like the other Galician provincial capitols.
Another significant city in Pontevedra province is, Tui, which for a short time was the provincial capitol of Pontevedra. Tui is small as cities go, but has a Cathedral and is strategically positioned close to the borders of Portugal on the river "Mino". Its cathedral was originally constructed in the eleventh century, but has additions from later dates and looks down over the town. Tui is Galicia's southern most city.
Pontevedra's final (of four) cities is Vilagarcia, another coastal town north of Pontevedra city. Among its attractions is the "Pazo de O Rial" former manion house and now an hotel.
The old fortress towers at Catoria (Towers of the West) are at the provinces north west and you can find out more about them by going into our Galician towns section (left menu) where you will find a link to information and photographs about this historic fortress town.
Towns and villages in Pontevedra province
Whilst not exhaustive, the list below includes most of the better known towns and villages spread across the province of Pontevedra. All names underlined in black are clickable.
- A Cañiza, A Estrada, A Guarda,
A Illa de Arousa,
A Lama, Agolada, As Neves,
Barro, Bordons, Bueu, Caldas de Reis, Cambados, Campo Lameiro, Cangas de
Morrazo, Catoira (towers), Cerdedo, Cies, Consistorio, Arbo, Cotobade, A Chan, Covelo,
Dozón, Forcarei, Fornelos de Montes - Igrexa, Gondomar,
La Toja,
Lalín, Marín, Meaño, Meis, Mosteiro, Moaña, Mondariz, Moraña, Mos,
Nigrán, O Grove,
O Porinno,
O Rosal, Oia,
Pazos de Borbén, Poio, Ponte Caldelas,
Ponteareas, Pontecesures, Pontevedra, Portas, Portonovo, Raxo, Redondela,
Ribadumia, Rodeiro, Salceda de Caselas - Esfarrapada, Salvaterra Do Miño - O
Castillo, Santa Lucía - Moraña, Sanxenxo, Silleda,
Castillo de Soutomaior, Tomiño, Tui, Valga, Vigo, Vila de Cruces, Vilaboa,
Vilanova de Arousa,
Villagarcía de Arosa
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