Basilica de Santa Maria a Maior (church) photos
Below some additional pictures of the Basilica de Santa Maria a Maior and the plaza or qsuare in which it is located.

Right, an internal shot of the Basilica de Santa Maria a Maior showing the altar in the distance.

Right, a view of the Basilica de Santa Maria a Maior's entrance at the less impressive side of the church.

To the right, a picture of one of the houses lining the plaza which is now a large tourist office for the "Rias Baixas" (lower Galicia bays) promotion department. This tourist office has interactive PC's that allow you to explore the southern coast (and towns) of Galicia.

A final photo, this time showing the "statue" that was being carried in a procession to the church on Tuesday, 16th August 2005. A very short ceromony followed
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