Cuntis and its Spa (Balneario)

Cuntis (pronounced koon–tis) is a smallish inland town about 20 to 25 minutes drive from the city of Pontevedra. The Cuntis-Balneario It is in a very rural setting, but its main claim to fame is Cuntis Balneario (a modern hydrotherapy water Spa).

A Balneario is a thermal mineral water spa and there are a number of these in Galicia. There is a large municipal one in the city of Ourense and another one in the large town of O Carballino (also in the province of Ourense). Many of these Spas have a history that dates back to Roman times and in Ourense you can still see the remains of the original 2,000 year old outdoor Spa.

Right, the main entrance to Cuntis-Balneario, a modern thermal spa and therapy centre.

The Baneario in Cuntis

The current Spa in Cuntis is far from old. In fact it is a modern complex offering an extensive range of treatments and therapies as well as its regionally famed healing waters. A narrow street in Cuntis For our part, we have been there a few times, so I will tell you a little bit about the Balneario and what you get for your money.

Firstly, you can pay for either a morning or afternoon session in the main Spa pool area. This lasts for about 4 hours and you have unlimited access to all of the hydrotherapy pools in the main Spa. (I elaborate on this in the page titled "Cuntis Balneario Spa pools" - see the bottom button in the right hand menu.)

The second way that you can use Cuntis Balneario is for therapies and treatments and there is an extensive range on offer. At the one end of the scale you can simply have a manicure or pedicure (or other “pampering” treatments), but at the other you can have a number of hydrotherapy treatments to counter illness, injury, or simply to help you relax. These treatments are performed in special therapy suites inside the Spa and the establishment has an excellent reputation and is always busy.

Left, a narrow street close to the Thermal Spa centre.

Treatments can be booked and paid for individually, or you can select from a number of different therapy packages that last for half a day or a full day. Each one includes a number of different therapies and nearly all are hydrotherapy based.

If you are in Galicia in August you would be advised to arrange your treatment well in advance. You will also find that as a generalisation the Spa is quieter during morning sessions.

For more information about the main pool area see this page Cuntis Balneario Spa pools.

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