Send us an article or review about Galicia
If you have visited Galicia, or any of its regions, provinces, cities or towns and would like to add a review or article (short or long) to, please email us at the address below.
We would be interested in including any personal experiences from an article about a town or site seeing attraction, to a complete travelogue about the whole region. We will also add any photos you would like us to include.
We will create a new page for any review/article we receive and will give full author credit on the page itself. If you have not written anything for the internet before, do not be deterred, we want actual opinions and experiences and not objective style reviews.
No payment is involved and we will not include "owner" reviews of restaurants and hotels. We will be happy to include a backlink to any site or blog you may have.
Follow this Galicia link to reach our complete guide to Galicia, or alternatively, to find out some information about the region and taking a vacation there, click on this underlined northern Spain text. This will take you to a section which we hope offers a flavour of the region.