Lugo's Gastronomy and Cuisine

Information about the cuisine, dishes, wines and beverages of Galicia can be found by either, clicking on the main Gastronomy button in the left hand menu (of all pages), or by reading the individual town guides where food and drink are often mentioned.

Although the four provinces of Galicia do have some provincial specialities, you will find that it is the region as a whole that has its own cuisine and style of eating. Frequently there will be variations and changes between areas and even cities, but in general, what you find on a menu in Lugo will be very similar to what you would find on a menu in Pontevedra, la Coruna or Ourense.

If you want to know more, then we have numerous examples of Galician eating and drinking in the Gastronomy section and you will also find a few pages about Albarino and Ribeiro wines.

Anyone interested in trying out the food of this region will be able to find some cook books covering Galician cuisine if they make a thorough search of the internet book stores - or better still, go to Galicia and experience their food first hand.

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