Towns and villages in A Coruna Province
Aside from the provincial capitol of A Coruna and the regional capitol of Santiago de Compostela, the A Coruna province has plenty to offer. It is the most highly inhabited of the four Galician districts and also the one with the greatest number of towns – especially those with some added tourist interest.
In addition to the two cities above, there is a third city of Ferrol, just north of la Corunna city and this is the port from which the Spanish Armada sailed.
Right, the town of Muros on the A Corunan coast.
Looking at smaller urbanizations, this province is rich with coastal towns, ports and fishing villages and you can find out about many of them here in galiciaguide. Any embolden text (boxed in yellow where the curser transforms into a hand) is a clickable link that can take you to a page or section covering the place in question. Some of these towns will have several pages dedicated to them. To find out more just click the appropriate link below.
Some of the better known towns in la Coruna
To visit a section covering any town below, click on the town's black name text.

Noia and Muros
The two towns of Noia and Muros share their names with the bay or "ria" in which they are located and both have strong fishing heritages although today they are popular tourist towns. Noia has a medieval district and large alameda (square), whilst Muros has an ocean side promenade and many narrow colonnaded streets behind its sea facing facade.

Padron is one of la Corunna's inland towns and has strong connections with Saint James and Galicia's early history. It was also the home of some famous writers including Rosalia de Castro and is the locality from which the delicacy of pimientos (chilli peppers) de Padron originate.

Porto do Son
A collection of towns and coastal villages south of Noia is known as Porto do Son and includes the town of Porto Sin and the ancient Celtic settlement ruin of the castro de Barona. This area is very popular with Spanish holiday makers.

Although a town, Boiro is an extremely popular beach resort in the ria de Arousa bay although few very few foreigners visit it.
Serra de Outes
Serra de Outes is another fishing port and lies between Noia and Muros. Heading inland from this town takes you through some fantastic scenery and a nearby beach, called "la praia de Brona", is regarded by many as the best in the vicinity.
Cape Finisterre is one of Galicia's most famous fishing ports and is at the heart of the "coast of death" from which many sailors have left, never to return.

Lousame is a district rather than a town and is made up mainly of farmland and tiny villages, but it is a great place for a country drive.

Pesqueria del Tambre
The Pesqueria del Tambre is a park with a river system that has a hydro-electric plant at its center. It sounds like nothing, but take a look at the pictures and then decide!

Nigreira is an inland town that makes a welcome stopping off point if you take a trip into A Coruna's interior. You can reach it via a highway or a "mountain straddling" route.

If you want to see the most important fishing port in Galicia (and arguably Spain), Ribeira is the place. It has a large fish market, plenty of shops and some nice beaches in the villages that surround it.

The coastal town of Rianxo is just a stunning little sea side town with a good sized port and a large weekly market – I wish we lived there!

A Pobra do Caraminal
Like Rianxo above, A Pobra do Caraminal is my idea of the perfect Galician coastal town and it has the best alameda and park in A Coruna province – the main beach is pretty impressive too.

More ......
Other places worth a visit include, Ferrol, Monfero – with a large monastery, the town of Betanoz, the castro de Barona and the fortified Island of Santa Cruz in the photo to the right.
Also popular with Spanish and foreign tourists is a journey down the Corunnan coast known as the "Costa da Morte" (coast of death). Once feared universally for its ability to take the lives of sailors, this stretch of coastline, with its coves and tiny villages, is now a favourite with visitors exploring the area.
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