Fiestas, festivals, carnivals and processions
A Coruna province has no shortage of festivals and the majority of them happen during the fiesta month of August. During this month there is some kind of fiesta activity every day.
In la Coruna city itself, the heroine Maria Pita is the cause for many of the celebrations which include carnivals, processions, fancy dress and gastronomy.
Examples of some of the more spectacular and visual events include, the re-enactment of the British invasion of 1589, a fancy dress procession through Corunna city (on carnival Tuesday), the re-creation of a medieval market and a procession of flower covered floats that are launched at sea.
On a different level musical events, in the form of classical, folk, pop and rock, take place on make shift stages in the provinces many town squares and plazas and there are numerous activities designed to entertain and occupy children.
See our separate town guides for further details of festivals that are specific to a particular town or village.
Some of A Coruna's interesting fiestas
(See the Santiago de Compostela festival page for fiesta event details in that city.)
Fiesta del Queso
A festival extolling the virtues of local cheeses in the town of Arzua.
Romeria del Santo Cristo
This event takes place at "Fisterra" (Finisterre) on the hills above the town and involves an historical re-enactment. It is well attended
Semana Santa
A Procession in the city of Ferrol about which I know very little. It seems to involve the carrying of a casket (coffin) with a statue of Jesus and the cross atop it and various people dressed up to look like the "clue clux" clan – only in colour. (The pictures I have seen of it look pretty scary to me!)
Hogueras de San Juan
This is a night time fiesta that occurs over two days, the 23 and 24 of June, in A Coruna city. As ever I know very little about it except that large numbers of people head for the beach (Riazor) where they light lots of fires and, I believe, barbeque sardines and other seafood. It sounds like fun.
Mundo Celta
Held in Ortiqueira, this festival has a bagpipe procession and lots of traditional Celtic style dress. I have previously been reprimanded for likening these events to those of Scotland and Ireland, but as I look a pictures of it, that analogy is the best way to pass the image across.
Pimientos de Herbon
This is a significant gastronomic festival that takes place in the town of Padron and celebrates small chilli peppers that originate from there and are famous throughout Spain.
Fiesta Patronales de San Roque (Os Caneiros)
A re-enactment of some kind that includes events on the water and land and takes place separately at both Betanzos and Sada.
Nosa Senora da Barca
Held in September in Muxia.

The festival of San Bartolomeu
This is a six day long event that happens in the town of Noia and comprises numerous events, some traditional and some more modern. It is typical of what happens across many towns in the province. The photo to the right shows what was a 50 minute performance of bagpipe playing and dancing in the towns old Tapal plaza. Other events center around more modern music, games and food. You can find out more about the 2005 fiesta in Noia by following this link.
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