Thinking of holidaying in Galicia, Spain! Continued ....
Want to explore Galicia, then why not try this
If you want an idea for a day of exploration in Galicia, then try this, it's our chosen methodology and it always gives us a good day out.
Get into the car, head in any direction and
then take every turn, exit or cross roads that takes you in and upward ascent. Every time you
come across a town or village that seems interesting, pull up, have a look around and then
continue your random journey. Don't worry about getting lost.
As long as your accommodation base is in, or near to, a reasonably well known town, you will always be able to find signs directing you back to your starting point.
It is always a good idea to take a map with you, not so much for specific road details, but to give you a feel for where the towns you are passing are in relation to your point of origin. Incidentally, when you decide to head back you will probably be surprised to find that you are only an hour or so away from where you started (when traveling back by a more direct and sign posted route).
By taking this seemingly silly approach we have had some great days out and found some interesting towns like "Padron", "Boiro" and "Oin". Alternatively, you can always head for the ocean and just follow the coastal road. If you keep the ocean on your left on the outward journey and on your right on the return, you can't go that far wrong!
Exploration and experimentation really are the keys to a vacation in Galicia, you will have to eat their food or starve - there are no "trotters bars", "Wendy's" or "fish and chip shops" in this part of Spain. You also need to be aware that in all but the major cities, everything stops at 2.00pm and does not start again until 5.00pm or 5.30pm. The Galicians still take the traditional "siesta" lunch break and everything comes to a complete stop during this time. Many shops will also either, not open at all, or open only before lunch, on a Saturday. Shops do however remain open until 9.00pm to 9.30pm weekdays (even in towns like Noia). If you holiday in Galicia you need to accept that you are not in a planned vacation destination, but somewhere where you have to "go with the flow".
Make a plan and take account of Galicia's weather
Plan your Galicia trip before you arrive, major cities like "Santiago de Compostela" and "A Coruna" may be some distance from your hotel or apartment.
Additionally there will be many different routes, some taking in a scenic view and others getting you from "A" to "B" as quickly as possible. if you really want to explore Galicia (or one of its provinces) make out a rough schedule before you get there and decide which days will be enhanced by good weather. If you are there for a week, don’t visit towns and cities on the first three days and leave the last three days for the beach, the weather might have other ideas.
If you like, or think you would like, to sample the festival experience of Spain, then plan this into your vacation. As a cautionary note, I would suggest that you avoid major festivities like the one on "St. James day" in Santiago de Compostela, this can get manic. Smaller festivals, like the ones in Noia and Muros, offer plenty of atmosphere, lots of music and some local events and may well be the making of your holiday. But avoid them if you don't like crowds.