Flights to Galicia - Spain
Galicia's main international airports are at Santiago de Compostela and la Coruna with a third airport at Vigo. Direct carriers (from the UK) include Ryanair, Iberia and ClickAir although there are many different flight options - especially if you use a connection. We have included an OPODO search function for direct Iberia flights (Heathrow to la Coruna etc) at the bottom of this page. In order to get the best flight prices you need to check out different flight times and look at hidden costs like baggage charges etc. If you are travelling from North America explore different options carefully as prices vary dramatically.
For details of flights from the UK, USA and Ireland, go to this 2009 flights to Galicia page.
Use the OPODO link below to check availability and make reservations for flights from London Heathrow or the USA to La Coruna international airport (25 minutes drive from Santiago de Compostela) with Iberia airlines. The booking system is OPODO who book all Iberia flights.
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Info about organising Flights
- If you want to check flight availability, or make reservations with any of the airlines in the Opodo consortium (e.g. Iberia, British Airways etc.), enter your desired flight details in the box above. You can do this for any destination. We have flown with Iberia in the past and this year in July 2006. Their service is excellent, but you get the best deals if you book well in advance.
The other direct flight options from the UK, not covered by Opodo, are Ryanair and ClickAir. Ryanair fly from Liverpool (3 days per week although this may discontinue in 2009!) and Stansted (7 days per week) to Santiago de Compostela. We have used Ryanair on flights from Liverpool in 2007 and 2008 and found them excellent. There were no so good from Stansted. You always get the best flight deals if you book early.
Ryanair (and many other airlines) also have some baggage costs that increase the price actual ticket price, even so they are good value.